Thursday, 26 July 2018

Animal Classification

Animal Classification 

Today we learned about how animals are classification into groups, Animals are either vertebrates (which means they have spin) or invertebrates (which don't have spins). 

Invertebrates are animals like jellyfish, crabs, insects and octopus.

Vertebrates are put into five groups. They are mammals, bird's, reptiles, fish, and amphibians.
Mammals have fur or hair and give birth to live young. Birds have feathers and lay hard eggs. Retiles are cold-blooded and lay soft eggs. Amphibians breathe though their skin and need to keep their skin moisty. Fish breathe through gills and they have fins.

5 examples of each type:

Mammals: Red pandas, cat, walrus, llama and camel

Birds: Duck, turkey, owl, swan and goose

Reptiles: Chameleon, Dinosaurs, alligator, tortoise, sea turtle

Amphibians: Frog, toad, mountain chicken, American bullfrog, tomato frog 

Fish: Gold fish, salmon, fish, catfish, eel 

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Shared lunch

On Wednesday the 4th of July we had a healthy Shared Lunch. I had 3 fruit kebabs a bliss ball, pineapple and soda water with pineapples in it. It was really fun because we got to eat and I like eating food and I got to talk to my friends.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018


We did some optical illusions in our class and it was really fun because we made a fish in one cut out box and it was 8 cm and a 8 cm cut out box and in the middle is a bowl and if you spin it it looks like the fish is in the bowl.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018


We did a play and it was about Hansel and Gretel but we got to change the story a little bit. There were ten more of other peoples story's but personally I think ours is the best. I learnt that you have to learn all your lines before doing it.