Monday, 17 June 2019

The Water Cycle

How Does the water Cycle Work?

I am learning to inform my audience through an explanation.
By Riley

Do you ever wonder when you are taking a drink of water, that you could be drinking water that a caveman may have been drinking or even a dinosaur? This is all because of an amazing cycle that earth has called the water cycle! A cycle is something that repeats over and over again and never ends. Do you know that there is only 3% of fresh water but 2% of that freshwater is locked away in ice caps, so that means the other 1% is the actual drinkable water. The other 97% of Earth's water is salt water in the ocean. There are three main stages of the water cycle, evaporation, condensation and precipitation but evaporation starts off the water cycle.

Evaporation is when a heat source warms up a liquid forcing the liquid to change into a gas. The water cycle an example of this, the water in an ocean, lake or river is heated by the sun it turns the water into water vapour. An example of this in our homes is when you are drying your clothes on your washing line, the damp water in your clothes does not all fall to the ground. The water from your clothes evaporates, the sun heats up the water and it changes into water vapour. Another example is with a kettle you can see the water as steam just before it changes to vapour before it disappears! If you cool the water vapour down it will condense back into a liquid. You may think that the water cycle is finished but its still has a more stages to go through.

Now I will be talking about condensation. When the water vapour gets high enough and the atmosphere starts to cool the water vapours down they begin to collect and start to form a cloud. The cloud goes higher in the sky and the water vapour in the clouds start to get heavy and eventually will fall from the clouds as either rain, snow, hail or sleet.

Precipitation is when the rain droplets from the clouds comes down in sleet, snow, hail Then when it starts to rain the water droplets return into the sea, lake or just on the ground. When any type of rain falls on the ground it is called groundwater, once that step is completed the three main stages evaporation, condensation and precipitation start all over again and it will never end.

So, as you heard the water cycle has three main stages evaporation, condensation and precipitation, they are all very important to the water cycle and if one step was removed we would not have water. So you are probably wondering “is that how water is recycled?” Yes that is how water is recycled, through all those complicated steps it final makes water.

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