I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 6 and my Teacher is Miss Down.
Friday, 7 December 2018
Today I finished my comic. I really like my comic, it is about a hand and some girls talking about something and being mean to each other. My favourite part is when the hand is really creepy and has a really weird face. The next day I was sick and I was really bummed out because that was when our teacher's husband came in (he is a professional at making comics because he wrote one. I also lost my picture of the comics).
Thursday, 6 December 2018
My passport
This is another passport activity. The point of this activity is to make a ticket and a band name with a stadium and a time of day. The bands name is six60, my favourite song from them is Vibes because has a really good chorus. They have lots of songs and they are all really good.
Graduation mass
Yesterday we had our Graduation mass at 5.30. It was for all the year sixes because they are going to another school and also for the year fives because we are going to be year sixes next year. I am really excited to be a year six but I am also really sad because the year sixes are going and most of my friends are year sixes.
Sherbet experiment
Today we did a science experiment about sherbet. It was really cool and looked really tasty but some of them where really bad. We had to add tartaric acid, citric acid, baking soda and icing sugar and our teacher made us taste all of them. Once we added to much baking soda and it tasted like..... baking soda. My favourite ingredient was obviously the the icing sugar because it was really sweet. Baking soda tastes bitter and gross, citric acid tasted strong and sour and tartaric acid tasted dry and kind of bitter. I learnt that most of the ingredients were sour and bitter.
Monday, 3 December 2018
My persuasive writing
Why Robots will take over the world.
Just imagine Robots on a billboard! I know weird and also very creepy and that’s not even the
weirdest thing that they can do. Just imagine in a supermarket not our usual food it could be oil
or metal that robots eat not human food. Just imagine robots selling you food or some produced.
weirdest thing that they can do. Just imagine in a supermarket not our usual food it could be oil
or metal that robots eat not human food. Just imagine robots selling you food or some produced.
Firstly have you ever thought of Robots or AI take over the world well you should, because you
all know that Robots are capable of many things that we can’t do. So if imagine one Robot could
cause a lot of mayhem for humans like me.
all know that Robots are capable of many things that we can’t do. So if imagine one Robot could
cause a lot of mayhem for humans like me.
Secondly robots could take our jobs. For some of you, you would happily let a Robot take your
job but how are you going to pay your rent or tax you won’t be able to and homelessness will go
job but how are you going to pay your rent or tax you won’t be able to and homelessness will go
Lastly just imagine a Robot programmed to hack in to things like your computer, iPad or some
other device, they even hack into the white house or something like that. Some robots are very
creepy they always look through the TV and just give you the death stare which I find VERY
other device, they even hack into the white house or something like that. Some robots are very
creepy they always look through the TV and just give you the death stare which I find VERY
Now I hope you agree that you think Robots are going to be on billboards and now you should DEFINITELY think that Robots should not exist and be EXTERMINATED! Because they are brainier and smarter than all of us COMBINED!
Or spud guns
A couple days ago we did a science experimenter about spud guns. We had to get some straws and we had to jab the straws into the potatoes but it didn't really work because the straws kept bending which was really annoying and my potato kept falling out and not shooting out. Some peoples spud guns worked but mine didn't which was very disappointing because we used different straws. Mine didn't work because it wasn't air tight.
Thursday, 29 November 2018
A couple of days ago I did some topic for our passports. I finished my poster for my band that I picked. The band that I pick is called The Headless Chickens I had to draw a picture and I drew a knife and a chicken looking up at the knife with a scared face.
Friday, 23 November 2018
Saint Peters College
A couple of days ago St Peter's College came to our school. They were there to perform music to us. The orchestra had instruments like the saxophone, the trombone, the trumpet, the clarinet and lots more. The music was really cool and my favourite song was the Pink Panther theme song. It was really good and cool. When we left I could hear the music from my class, it was so loud.
Thursday, 22 November 2018
Yesterday we made so shapes out of paper. It took a really long time for me to make my Egyptian pyramid. Mine looks really weird but I still like it, it has really derpy faces. It looks like this. I also made another one as well. It is a pentagonal prism.
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
WW1 topic
A couple of days ago we did a topic about WW1. It was really fun because we got to make this google doc about copies of these things in WW1. Me and my partner, we got the Roll of Honour and a rugby team from 1910. All the red dots on the people died, all the yellow dots on them got wounded and the blue dots are the people who served.
Friday, 16 November 2018
Beak science
Today we did some science. We used tweezers for bird beaks. The purpose was that we were trying to see which beak is easier for the different foods we were using. We had to pick up gummy worms, skittles and paper. The best one to pick up the paper was the flattest one which we nicknamed 01. The best one for the gummy worms was the long and triangley one (the triangle at the front is going down). The best one for the skittles was nicknamed 08 but I forgot what it looked like. I learned that some beaks can be used for different foods.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Yesterday we did Athletics.The first race was only for the year 5's and 6's and it was also optional but I didn't do it. We had to do the 200m race which was one lap and you had to do that one. The third race was the 400m race which was 2 laps you also had to that one as well. I didn't come 1st or 2nd but I did come 3rd which was cool because it was in the 400m race but I came 4th pretty much in all the other ones though. My favourite race was the 200m because we all had to sprint to get to the end and when we got to the end we where all really tired and puffing so after that I had some food and water. At the end of everything we did relays, I didn't do the relies one of my other friends bet me in paper scissors rock so I didn't do it. Blake came first for the girls in the relays then Hillary then Shepherd or Cowley I forgot. For the boy relays Cowley came first the Hillary then Blake then Shepherd. I learnt that when you run it hurts, a lot.
My bedroom
My story is about my bedroom. The start has to start like this: My something was usual enough. It was based on a poem by James K. Baxter. Mine was about my bedroom, I really like it because of the font and this part were I say "and even a little mess" that's my favourite part in my story.
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Our saint posters
A couple of days ago we had to make posters of saints that we had researched. We each had to pick a saint and I picked St. Nicholas. I really like St. Nicholas because he is the patron saint of children, repentant thieves and other cool stuff I like. He is really friendly and kind from all the stories I read on the internet.
I enjoyed this because it took a lot of thought and effort and I'm proud of how it came out.
I enjoyed this because it took a lot of thought and effort and I'm proud of how it came out.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Bike Safety
Today we did a bike safety course. It was lead by some really nice ladies that helped us ride our bikes safely on the road and on the foot path. The company is called Bigfoot Adventurers. If we forgot or didn't have a bike they had lots of bikes that everybody could use which was pretty cool. At the end we got little prizes if we thought of a way that helped us and I also got a prize. The prizes were cool pens and some colouring in pencils, some people even got some orange rubbers.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Our Shields
Yesterday we made some shields. You had to put things on it that made you unique and why your class is unique. I put for why I'm unique is because I make people laugh, I have cool friends and I like Rugby. For why our class is special I put that there is lots of different humour, we have an amazing teacher (Mrs Drummond) and we all have different names.
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Our Calendar art
The whole school is doing calendar art. Our calendar art is a type of pattern or fruit that you colour in. It took me a really long time to make it but was worth it because it has lots of colours and different fruits like strawberries, oranges and apples. My favourite fruit is probably the strawberry because it has this nice look to it. We did these calendar art pieces because it was the last week of school but I finished it today which is a relief because tomorrow is the last day of school.
Fan mail
This week we did Fan Mail. We had to pick a random person out of a bag to write a kind letter to and I got Po'oi. It was really fun doing the fun mail because we got to write to the people in our class. Henry got me and his fan mail to me was really good and nice, it really brightened my day because he said that I am really funny and other stuff.
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
My Diorama
We are doing dioramas in our class. The whole class had to pick a habitat and I picked a cave. I chose a cave because I got to put bats, spiders and glow worms in it. The glow worms were Bella's idea but it is really cool because you got to cut these little worm shapes that you colour in with a highlighter and that's how you make it glow like a glow worm. I also made rocks which were actually really hard to make. My favourite thing to make was probably the bats because it is the biggest thing in my diorama. I am very proud of my diorama because I put lots of effort into it.
Friday, 21 September 2018
Why I liked Code Club
This is last day of code club. We used scratch and html to create cartoons and animations. My favourite html is probably the my Ransom note I created because I think it is funny and it is on my blog if you want to see it. We made a game today and it is going to be down there in the bottom.
Friday, 14 September 2018
My Ransom Note
This week in code club we made a ransom note by using Trinket and here is mine.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
In our class we are doing Mandarin and our teacher Ms Li is teaching other classes too. I like Mandarin because it is really fun to learn and my favourite thing is the songs. We learnt two songs. The first song was about greetings and the second song was the number song. My favourite song is the number song because it is more catchy to me.
I am looking forward to learning more Mandarin next term.
I am looking forward to learning more Mandarin next term.
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
My mammal
I am doing an information report on a mammal (Llamas). There are lots of facts about llamas. Hope you enjoy.
Llamas as you all know… I think, are cool creatures but that’s just my opinion, so you don’t have to agree with me but I think you should after I talk to you about these fascinating creatures of the wild.
Llamas can be very tall. They are about 1.7-1.8 m (adults) and their mass is about 130-200 kg (adults)
They live for about 20 years in the wild. The scientific name for is lama glama which is a really weird name. Llamas are actually smart they make really good guards for herds of small animals. Llamas are very friendly but they can spit on you they will also ‘adopt’ a herd of sheep or goats and make them their own. They will also chase off all the coyotes and other predators as well.
An adult llamas diet is 43 to 45 kgs of grass, hay, corn silage, alfalfa and grass roots. Llamas don’t drink as much water as other mammals but they still drink 3 gallons of water a day.
There habitat is Andes mountain there natural habitat is Andean highlands, specifically the Altiplano southeast Peru and western Bolivia.
So that's my blog on a mammal (Llamas)!! Hope you liked it!
Yesterday we had a ceremony for Netball. There was lots of pizza and lemonade, I ate four pizzas. We also got these really cool certificates for achievement. We also played this game (girls vs boys) were you had to pass the ball and try to throw it into a football goal, but we lost by 3 or 2 points. We lost because the girls had more people than us (we had 5 they had 18).
Friday, 31 August 2018
Mini BB Fair
Yesterday we had a fair. The fair was called the Mini BB Fair. It was really fun because you got to buy lots of books and baking that's why its called the Mini BB Fair (the BB means books and baking). I felt really bad and sick afterwards because I had too many lollies. Oops!
Thursday, 30 August 2018
This morning we learnt about Abraham and Sarah (Abram and Sarai) Me and Joey did slide 3. My favourite part was probably the end because I liked the drawing, colours and the picture. Abraham and Sarah are people who got chosen from God to name their baby boy Isaac. God said you have to move to another country and they moved to that country with their servants and their animals. Because they did what he asked he rewarded them with a baby.
Sunday, 26 August 2018
Today we are painting a cross. I have all ready done my base coat. I just need to do the sides of my cross, then I need to do my picture of the earth. Around the cross is going to say care,
respect and honesty. I think its going to turn out really well... hopefully.
Friday, 24 August 2018
We have this new maths game, that most people like. It is called Prodigy. I like it because you can buy things, fight bosses and because it helps me with my maths. I am kind of good at Prodigy and one of my friends is really good. We can play at home too, I have only played at home once. Prodigy is helping me with my maths like multiplication, subtraction, division and decimals.
Tuesday, 14 August 2018

This week we are doing speeches. I've all ready done mine but I'm not in the semi finals. My speech was about Jellyfish and I really liked my speech because there were 2 jokes that I thought was funny. There was only one boy in our class that got in the semi finals and I really liked his speech because it was about pollution.
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Mary McKillop Feast Day
Last week we made these paintings with paint all around it. It took a loooooooong time to make them. We also mixed lots of colours together to make other colours and the lines that keep them together. I really liked my painting when it was finished because there were lots of colours. It was really fun painting and learning about Mary McKillop.
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Animal Classification
Animal Classification
Today we learned about how animals are classification into groups, Animals are either vertebrates (which means they have spin) or invertebrates (which don't have spins).
Invertebrates are animals like jellyfish, crabs, insects and octopus.
Vertebrates are put into five groups. They are mammals, bird's, reptiles, fish, and amphibians.
Mammals have fur or hair and give birth to live young. Birds have feathers and lay hard eggs. Retiles are cold-blooded and lay soft eggs. Amphibians breathe though their skin and need to keep their skin moisty. Fish breathe through gills and they have fins.
5 examples of each type:
Mammals: Red pandas, cat, walrus, llama and camel
Birds: Duck, turkey, owl, swan and goose
Reptiles: Chameleon, Dinosaurs, alligator, tortoise, sea turtle
Amphibians: Frog, toad, mountain chicken, American bullfrog, tomato frog
Fish: Gold fish, salmon, fish, catfish, eel
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Shared lunch
On Wednesday the 4th of July we had a healthy Shared Lunch. I had 3 fruit kebabs a bliss ball, pineapple and soda water with pineapples in it. It was really fun because we got to eat and I like eating food and I got to talk to my friends.
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
We did some optical illusions in our class and it was really fun because we made a fish in one cut out box and it was 8 cm and a 8 cm cut out box and in the middle is a bowl and if you spin it it looks like the fish is in the bowl.
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
We did a play and it was about Hansel and Gretel but we got to change the story a little bit. There were ten more of other peoples story's but personally I think ours is the best. I learnt that you have to learn all your lines before doing it.
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
Science Roadshow
On the Science Roadshow we got to try out different inventions. My favourite invention was this pick up thing that picked up this little box. I thought that it was very fun. I learnt if you go into three mirrors and you can see loads of you in the corner of the mirrors and that is cool.
Friday, 22 June 2018
Book Week
This week we did something called Book Week. It was really fun because we got to dress up in costumes from books. We did a little contest but our team didn't win. One of my friend's team won and they got a money on a piece of paper, my friends got ten dollars and the runners-up got 5. My book was Frozen so I picked Elsa to dress up as.
I like Book Week because we got to buy and read new books. I liked how we got to meet authors like Chris Guerney.
I like Book Week because we got to buy and read new books. I liked how we got to meet authors like Chris Guerney.
Thursday, 21 June 2018
We did the school production on Wednesday and Thursday. It was called The Toy Shop On Zip Zap Avenue. It was about toys in a toy shop and our class picked Barbie and Ken as our toys. I dressed up as Princess Barbie. We also had partners and my partner was Otis I. He was Prince Ken. Something I learnt from doing the production is that you have to be very quiet backstage which i'm not good at.
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
A dog ran up a mop
Then it flopped
So that was the end of the dog
Who ran up a mop that flopped.
There once was a myth
It was about a blacksmith
But that myth came fifth
And that was the story of the myth.
A dog ran up a mop
Then it flopped
So that was the end of the dog
Who ran up a mop that flopped.
There once was a myth
It was about a blacksmith
But that myth came fifth
And that was the story of the myth.
Monday, 11 June 2018
Matariki is a cluster of 9 stars. My favourite star is Pōhutukawa because it is about connecting to your loved ones and it's the same spelling as the tree.
Saturday, 9 June 2018
Cross country
We did cross country on a Wednesday and had to do two and a half laps. One of my friends fell over and he was one of the fastest runners in our school but I bet him because he fell over. I came 6th or 7th place, I'm not exactly sure.
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
Country study-England
For reading, I did a country study about England. My favourite picture is the top right one because there is a giant corgi in the background. I chose to study England because England is amazing. I learned that they have lots of animals like the pool frog, that they had a revolution and killed their king, and that they had a king called King Henry the Eighth who cut off his wives' heads.
Monday, 28 May 2018
Ways to Pray
This is a page of my R.E. book, it's ways to pray. The way to pray are Art, Singing, passing stones, Bible reading, Meditating, Dancing and going outside/Nature. It is my favourite page of my whole R.E. book and my favourite way to pray is art.
Friday, 25 May 2018
Roll and answer
Today in maths we played a game called Roll an Answer. It tests the skills we have learnt this year like rounding, place value, addition and subtraction. My group did a maths game about which number has the greater value of the under lined digit. I am the one on the far left.
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
My Storm Poem
This senses poem was about the storm we had last night!
I see the lightning striking the sky tower like a fork.
I hear the roar of the thunder next to me.
I smell the nice soup that we're having for dinner.
I taste the rain on my tongue.
I feel the strong breeze on my face.
It makes me feel excited and scared.
I see the lightning striking the sky tower like a fork.
I hear the roar of the thunder next to me.
I smell the nice soup that we're having for dinner.
I taste the rain on my tongue.
I feel the strong breeze on my face.
It makes me feel excited and scared.
Thursday, 8 March 2018
The Banshee
Once upon a time in a house far far away there lived an old man, an old woman and a little boy. The boy heard a scream coming from the kitchen so he got out of bed. He went to the kitchen and saw an old lady screaming at the old lady and the old man. The old lady turned around and saw the boy. “Why did come into the kitchen little boy” she shrieked. “you are probably wondering why this sounds so creepy but it’s true! YOU made this happen. Everything is going to be gone.Your friends...your family EVERYTHING!”
The banshee screamed a long, terrifying scream. The boy choked and grabbed his heart and collapsed down dead. So that was the story of the banshee!!
The banshee screamed a long, terrifying scream. The boy choked and grabbed his heart and collapsed down dead. So that was the story of the banshee!!
Wednesday, 7 March 2018
Maths Poster
This is a pictograph by me, Xavier and Wils (they are in my maths class).
We found out how many people like coke, Juice, lemonade and L&P through our data collecting and presenting of our findings. The most popular drink was Coke.
Tuesday, 6 March 2018
swimming carnival
This picture was taken at or school's swimming carnival. Most of my friends are in this picture. In breaststroke I came 3rd. Xavier R came 2nd and Otis I came 1st. It was really fun and exciting. My favourite part was when I came 3rd. My least favourite part was when I came last in 200 m freestyle.
Friday, 16 February 2018
All about me
Hello, my name is Riley and i'm nine years old. I like going on my dad's computer and my i pad. My favourite foods are tacos and Burger king. My favourite subject at school is reading and writing. I have a big sister and she is very nice and so is my Mum and Dad. I like ducks and platypuses they are very cute and that's my opinion. I also like going to the beach or a pool when its hot and sunny.It is nearly the end of summer in NZ. My friend is scared of butterfly's so don't make fun of him. My Mum is in Melbourne with her friends. I went to Melbourne when I was 8 years old it was very fun because I met my Mums friends. My Mum, dad and me went to a theme park in Melbourne I went on all the rides but my favorite ride was this big spider thing it was so so so so so fun!! I wish I could go again.
Thursday, 15 February 2018
Maori Poster
This is the Treaty of Waitangi that Xavier R,Vincent and I did together (my friends). It represents all the chiefs who signed it after the war of Maori and the British. The British weren't fully honest, they said "If you sign this Treaty we get some of your land" but only one British person could speak Maori. He said "If you sign this we will have peace and live in harmony" so they signed it and they gave some of the land to the British.
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